Stow Community Trust (SCT) is a community based, not-for-profit organisation, made up of local people keen to see development of assets in the village and surrounding area for the common good.
The work of SCT is primarily project-based and involves close partnerships with other community organisations and statutory groups. Over the years, there have been a number of projects and the Trust prides itself on being flexible and forward thinking so that Stow and the surrounding area can be ready for whatever the future holds.
SCT exists to join in local community ventures to develop social, cultural and economic opportunities for the common good. SCT is established as a company limited by guarantee not having share capital, comprising a board of volunteer directors and a large body of members.
More information can be found on the Companies House website and you can also download our Articles of Association.
The Trust was established in September 2009 with the intention of developing the former primary school into a business centre with workspaces. This was an initiative that was first promoted by the Stow and Fountainhall Community Council and as the project developed, it was deemed more appropriate that a separate body be created to take the project forward.
Switching tracks
Our most significant project to date has been the refurbishment and extension of the Station House at Stow Railway Station. In 2013, the construction of the Borders Railway began in earnest and the SCT realised that the former station building and station master’s house would not be included as part of the modern station and knew that the community would have to act if the Victorian building was not to be demolished. The Station House proved to be a daunting project for the SCT but with community support the Trust succeeding in seeing the building regenerated as a positive asset for the community at large, completing the project in 2021.
Royal Hotel Site Redevelopment
The Stow and Fountainhall Community Action Plan identified the Royal Hotel site at Townfoot as a top priority for our local area. After sitting vacant for many years, this prominent site has become an eyesore, but also an opportunity to transform a key part of our village.
Stow Community Trust (SCT) has been working with the community over recent years to build a shared vision for the site—one that enriches the lives of local people, creates new opportunities, and supports local businesses. We aim to create something that draws people in and enhances the experience of visitors, showcasing the unique charm of the Gala Water Valley. The Community Action Plan is full of creative ideas that could connect to this project, aligning with our vision of building a “Thriving Community Built by People Working Together.”
Bringing this vision to life will require significant effort and collaboration. We’re fortunate to have support from expert organisations like South of Scotland Community Housing and Community Land Scotland, as well as connections to other community groups across Scotland who have successfully navigated similar journeys.
While funding remains a key challenge, we are actively exploring several opportunities for support. With SCT’s proven track record—having already secured over £1 million in external funding for the area through other projects—we are confident in our ability to make this ambitious project a reality.
Royal Hotel Site
Join us and get involved
Becoming a member
The free membership involves:
completing an Application for SCT Membership
being on the mailing list for updates and communications
being willing to express support for the work of the SCT
attending Trust Members meetings
Our Board
Grace Murray (Chair)
Tom Parnell (Vice-Chair)
Helen Corcoran (Company Secretary)
Eibhlin McHugh (Treasurer)
Robin Thomson
Becoming a Director:
This involves:
Getting in touch with the Trustees using the email form below
Being registered on the Companies House website
Being willing to attend Trustees meetings when possible
Being willing to offer practical help where possible
Contact us.
Get in touch
Please email us at stowcommunitytrust [at], or find us on Facebook